360.533.2865 izglaw@izglaw.com

Our History

Ingram, Zelasko & Goodwin, LLP


120 East First Street

Aberdeen, Washington 98520

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Weekends and Evenings

by Appointment


Telephone Numbers




Long Beach












Email: izglaw@izglaw.com

The width and breadth of our experience, talent and expertise is unmatched in our community. The firm dates back more than 70 years, when locally raised Ted Zelasko and Ernie Ingram brought their then combined 18 years of separate legal talents together to form the county’s first non-related law partnership.

Graduation photo of Ernest M. Ingram, one of the firm's founding partners

Graduation photo of Ernest M. Ingram, one of the firm’s founding partners

Today the firm’s four partners have a combined 100 plus years of legal experience, serving a range of clients that have been with us since the formation of the partnership to those who may have decided to form their first corporation last week. All clients receive the same careful, thoughtful, and compassionate representation that is the hallmark of the Harbor’s oldest, largest and most experienced law partnership.

Our Proud History

1950 Donley & Ingram (Ernie Ingram with L.B. Donley)
1952 Zelasko & Zelasko (Zelasko with his father)
1955 Ingram shares space with Clark Adams
1957 Ingram solo
1958 Zelasko solo
1960 Ingram & Zelasko
1967 Goodwin associates
1968 Ingram, Zelasko & Goodwin
1977 Vroman associates (directly from Gonzaga)
1979 Colwell associates (from G.H. Prosecutor’s office)
1981 Morean associates (directly from Willamette)
1982 Vroman and Colwell become partners
1984 Blauvelt associates (from solo practice)
1987 Morean and Blauvelt become partners
1990 Natwick associates (directly from Seattle Univ.)
1994 Zelasko retires
1998 Kupka associates (directly from William Mitchell)
2002 Natwick becomes partner; Goodwin goes to Of Counsel
2003 Mistachkin associates (directly from Willamette)
2004 Kupka becomes partner; Ingram goes to Of Counsel
2006 Ingram retires
2008 Colwell goes to Of Counsel
2010 Colwell retires
2011 Goodwin retires
2014 Mistashkin becomes partner; Moore associates (from other firm)
2015 Mistashkin leaves firm (appointed G.H. County District Court Judge)
2015 Creekpaum associates (from other firm)
2016 Nogueira associates (from other firm)
2017 Mistachkin returns as associate
2017 Vroman and Blauvelt go to Of Counsel
2018 Edwards associates (from Hagen Bates & Edwards PS)
2018 Mistachkin leaves firm (elected G.H. County Superior Court judge)
2019 Dunkeson associates (from other firm)
2019 Creekpaum leaves firm (to work for Office of Admin of the Courts)
2019 Gambee associates (from other firm)
2019 Moore leaves firm (to work for Office of Admin of the Courts)
2020 Edwards becomes partner
2021 Stephens associates (from G.H. Prosecutor’s Office)
2021 Nogueira leaves firm (appointed Thurston County Court Commissioner)